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Recognition and Regulation of Safeguard Measures Under GATT/WTO

ISBN13: 9780415859752
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2011)
Price: £43.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415619592

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This book discusses the law of safeguard measures as laid down in the WTO agreements and cases decided by the Panel and the Appellate Body. It sets out a comprehensive treatment of safeguard measures covering the history and evolution of the law, as well as the procedural requirements and the application of safeguard measures. In addition to measures under Article XIX and the Safeguards Agreement, the book includes coverage of safeguard measures for agricultural products, Special Safeguard Measures for developing countries, safeguard measures for textiles and proposed safeguard measures under General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as well as special safeguard clauses against China. Recognition and Regulation of Safeguard Measures Under GATT/WTO considers safeguards from a developing country's perspective drawing on Joseph E. Stiglitz's argument that developing countries require these trade remedy measures to protect their domestic industries and ensure their development. Sheela Rai considers this view and goes on to examine how beneficial the provisions relating to safeguard measures and their interpretation given by the Panel and Appellate Body have been for developing countries.

International Trade
1. Evolution of Safeguard Measures
2. Unforeseen Developments
3. Increase in Imports
4. Serious Injury
5. Causal Link
6. Application of Safeguard Measures
7. Procedural Requirements
8. Grey Area Measures and Special