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Re-conceiving Property Rights in the New Millennium: Towards a New Sustainable Land Relations Policy

Edited by: Ben Chigara

ISBN13: 9780415859745
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2011)
Price: £43.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415678704

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This book constitutes Volume II of a set of two Volumes. Volume II considers the possibility of a new, sustainable land relations policy for Southern African Development Community States (SADC) that are currently mired up in land disputes that have become subject of domestic, regional and international tribunals, including the SADC Tribunal and the Washington based International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). It shows that land relations in the SADC have always been, and will perhaps remain a matter for constitutional regulation. Because constitutional laws defer to no other laws except by constitutional design, legal contests appear to be the least likely means by which these disputes will eventually be settled in the sub-region. Only human rights inspired policies that respond to the call for social justice by acknowledging both the current and the underlying contexts to the disputes, and also to the developmental aspirations of these States hold the most potential to resolve these disputes. The book recommends efficient pedagogical counter-apartheid-rule psychological distortions regarding the significance of human dignity (PECAPDISH) as a pre-requisite and corollary to the dismantling of the salient physical legacy of apartheid-rule in affected SADC States. The book shows that PECAPDISH’s potential and benefits would be enormous.

South Africa, Other Jurisdictions
Part One: Ideological, Socio-economic and Cultural Issues around Land
1. Land ownership and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Manisuli Ssenyonjo
2. Genderised land reform and social justice - A gender perspective on the formalization of communal land tenure, Annika Rudman
3. Framing women's rights and citizenship within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) land reform discourse: A feminist critique, Lyn Ossome
4. Land and resource rights, tenure arrangements and reform in community based natural resource management in Southern African Development Community (SADC), Munyaradzi Saruchera & Sibongile Manzana
5. The land question in southern Africa: A political economy perspective, Edward Lahiff

Part Two: Possibilities and Further Challenges
6. Farm workers on private agriculture land holdings: A pathway to the common settlement of a Southern African Development Community (SADC) Land Issues?, Sibo Banda
7. Property guarantees in old and new southern African Constitutions, Clement Ngongola
8. Southern African Development Community (SADC) within the region: The African Union (AU) approach to land issues, Rachel Murray
9. Deconstructing Southern African Development Community (SADC) land relations: Towards a New, Sustainable Land Relations Policy?, Ben Chigara