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Intellectual Property in Global Governance: The Crisis of Equity in the Knowledge Economy

ISBN13: 9780415859547
Published: May 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2011)
Price: £29.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415564175

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Intellectual Property in Global Governance critically examines the evolution of international intellectual property law-making from the build up to the TRIPS Agreement, through the TRIPS and post-TRIPS era. The book focuses on a number of thematic intellectual property issue linkages, exploring the formal and informal institutional interactions and multi-stakeholder holder intrigues implicated in the global governance of intellectual property. Using examples from bio-technology, bio-diversity, bio-prospecting and bio-piracy it investigates the shift or concentration in the focus of innovation from physical to life sciences and the ensuing changes in international intellectual property law making and their implications for intellectual property jurisprudence. It examines the character of the reception, resistance and various nuanced reactions to the changes brought about by the TRIPS Agreement, exploring the various institutional sites and patterns of such responses, as well as the escalation in the issue-linkages associated with the concept and impact of intellectual property law.

Drawing upon multiple methodological approaches including law and legal theory; regime theory, globalization and global governance Chidi Oguamanam explores the intellectual property dynamics in the "Global Knowledge Economy" focusing on digitization and information revolution phenomenon and the concept of a post-industrial society. The book articulates an agenda for global governance of intellectual property law in the 21st century and speculates on the future of intellectual property in North-South relations.

Intellectual Property Law, International Trade
Part I:
1. Introduction and Outlook
2. Global Governance, Intellectual Property and the Knowledge Economy
3. Global Governance Structures and Regime Dynamics in Intellectual Property

Part II:
4. Human Rights in the New Intellectual Property Dynamic 5. Intellectual Property and the Political Economics of Agriculture

Part III:
6. Traditional/Indigenous Knowledge in the Global Governance of Intellectual Property
7. Traditional Cultural Expressions, Expressions of Folklore, and Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage
8. Managing Intellectual Property in Global Governance