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Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia

Edited by: Vivienne Bath, Luke Nottage

ISBN13: 9780415859271
Published: May 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2011)
Price: £29.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415610742

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This book critically assesses patterns and issues in both the substantive law and policy environment impacting on foreign investment flows in major Asian economies, and dispute resolution law and practice related to those flows.

The book considers the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s and the Global Financial Crisis a decade later, examining the shifts in FDI and capital flows in Asia that have resulted from these crises.

Other Jurisdictions , Asia, International Investment Law
1. Introduction: Investment Treaties and Foreign (Direct) Investment In and Out of Asia Vivienne Bath and Luke Nottage
2. Investment Disputes and Arbitration for Japan and Asia: Five Perspectives on Law and Practice Luke Nottage and Romesh Weeramantry
3. A Passive Player in International Investment Law: Typically Japanese? Shotaro Hamamoto
4. The Quandary for Chinese Regulators: Controlling the Flow of Investment into and out of China Vivienne Bath
5. China’s Investment Treaties: Arbitration Issues After Tza Yap Shum v Peru Nils Eliasson and Mannheimer Swartling
6. Foreign Investment in Indonesia: The Problem of Legal Uncertainty Simon Butt
7. Incorporation of Services Disciplines into Bilateral Investment Treaties: The Case of the Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement Sita Sitaresmi
8. Malaysia’s New Foreign Investment Law Regime Salim Farrar
9. Treaty Definitions of ‘Investment’ and the Role of Economic Development: A Critical Analysis of the Malaysian Historical Salvors Cases Govert Coppens
10. Investment Treaty Practice and Islamic States in Asia Freya Baetens
11. Object and Purpose of Indian Investment Agreements: The Failure to Balance Investment Protection and Regulatory Power Prabhash Ranj
12. National Courts, International Commercial Arbitration and Investment Treaties: Beyond Saipem v Bangladesh Richard Garnett
13. Conclusions M. Sornarajah