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Principles of French Constitutional Law

ISBN13: 9780415841436
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £42.99
Hardback edition not yet published, ISBN13 9780415841443

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Principles of French Constitutional Law offers a concise and accessible account of the key principles and rules of constitutional law in the French legal system, presenting a much needed up to date overview of this rapidly changing subject.

The textbook explores the five essential pillars that underpin the teaching of constitutional law, namely the institutions, legal history, case law, comparative law, and current affairs and developments. It is split into two core sections: Part I examines the basis of French constitutional law, the theoretical developments about key notions of constitutional law such as the state, the constitution, as well as historical background of French constitutional law. Part II provides students with an understanding of the current Fifth Republic and how constitutional rules are adopted and applied, and how they affect other areas of law and politics. It offers a critical account of the 1958 Constitution’s past, present and future by placing it in its political and socio-historical contexts and critically assessing contemporary developments and constitutional reforms.

Given the growing expansion of this branch of law in the French legal system, this book will be essential reading for anyone studying French Law, Law with French, comparative constitutional law and European legal studies.

European Jurisdictions, France
Preface. Foreword (Gerard Hogan, Judge of the Supreme Court of Ireland)

Part I: Bases of French Constitutional Law
1. Key Notions of French Constitutional Law
2. History of French Constitutional Law

Part II: The Fifth Republic
3. Historical and Legal Foundations of the French Constitutional Regime
4. The Institutions of the Fifth Republic
5. Political Parties, Elections and Referendums
6. Constitutional Justice and Rights Protection