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A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Religious Expression in the Workplace and the Contested Role of Law isbn 9781138243231

Religious Expression in the Workplace and the Contested Role of Law

ISBN13: 9780415746625
New Edition ISBN: 9781138243231
Published: November 2014
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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The role of religion in various domains of the public sphere provokes much debate. One of the key areas where this debate is unfolding is in the secular workplace, where some employees strongly desire to express their religious beliefs in ways which may bring them into conflict with their employers.

For example, a Sikh woman may wish to wear a kara bracelet contrary to an employer's uniform policy; or a Muslim may wish to take time out of required working hours for Friday prayers. Equally, some employees may feel compelled to object to particular aspects of their job role from which a crisis of conscience arises.

For instance, a Christian registrar might object to registering a same-sex marriage or civil partnership; or a Muslim retail worker might object to handling alcohol. This addresses these conflicts and the role of law in resolving them. It considers what is meant by religious expression by individual employees, and the motives underlying it, and sets out the different ways it might have an impact on the workplace, in both uncontroversial and potentially controversial ways.

The book identifies different principled responses to workplace religious expression within a liberal state. It then goes on to analyse to what extent the law in England and Wales reflects these differing responses, both at a legislative and policy level, and at a court and tribunal level.

The book determines the extent to which freedom of religious expression for the individual enjoys legal protection in the workplace in England and Wales, and whether or not there is a case for changing the law to strengthen that protection.

Employment Law
1. Introduction
2. Conceptualising 'Religious Expression' in the Workplace
3. Restricting or Guaranteeing Religious Freedom in the Workplace: Legal Models
4. The Legislative and Policy Landscape in England and Wales
5. Negative Manifestation
6. Passive Manifestation
7. Active Manifestation
8. Conclusion

Series: Law and Religion

The Legal Legacy of the Reformation: Catholic and Protestant Approaches to Law ISBN 9780367209087
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Christianity and Criminal Law ISBN 9780367495787
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Law and the Christian Tradition in Modern Russia ISBN 9780367861315
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Christianity and Criminal Law (eBook) ISBN 9781000071559
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Christianity and Criminal Law ISBN 9780367858254
Published June 2020
Law, Religion and Love: Seeking Ecumenical Justice for the Other (eBook) ISBN 9781134851225
Published September 2017
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Law, Religion and Love: Seeking Ecumenical Justice for the Other ISBN 9781138684560
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The Legal Architecture of English Cathedrals (eBook) ISBN 9781317333524
Published August 2017
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The Legal Architecture of English Cathedrals ISBN 9781138962699
Published August 2017
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Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom ISBN 9781138647152
Published May 2017
Out of print
Religious Expression in the Workplace and the Contested Role of Law ISBN 9781138243231
Published November 2016
Out of print