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Human Security, Transnational Crime and Human Trafficking: Asian and Western Perspectives

ISBN13: 9780415726191
Published: June 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2011)
Price: £41.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415437011

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

In recent years, drug use, illegal migration and human trafficking have all become more common in Asia, North America and Asia: the problems of organized crime and human trafficking are no longer confined to operating at the traditional regional level. This book fills a gap in the current literature by examining transnational crime, human trafficking and its implications for human security from both Western and Asian perspectives. The book: Provides an outline of the overall picture of organized crime and human trafficking in the contemporary world, examining the current trends and recent developments contrasts the experience and perception of these problems in Asia with those in the West, by analyzing the distinctive Japanese perspective on globalization, human security and transnational crime examines the policy responses of key states and international institutions in Germany, Canada, the United States, the European Union, Japan, and Korea. This book argues that any effort to combat these crimes requires a response that addresses the welfare of human beings alongside the standard criminal law response. It represents a timely analysis of the increasingly serious problems of transnational crime, human trafficking and security.

International Criminal Law
Introduction - Shiro Okubo and Louise Shelley

Part I: Transnational Crime and Human Security
1. Globalization, Human Security, and the Right to Live in Peace - Shiro Okubo
2. Human Security Objectives and the Fight against Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism - Yvon Dandurand and Vivienne Chin

Part II: Transnational Organized Crime and the Legal Reponse
3. Transnational Organized Crime: The German Response - Hans-Joerg Albrecht
4. International Organized Crime Operating in Western Europe: The Judicial and Police Approach Against Organized Crime in the European Union - Joaquin Gonzalez Ibanez
5. Crime in Japan and Its Relation to International Organized Crime - Ueda Kan
6. Drug Trafficking in Korea - Sung-Kwon Cho

Part III: Human Smuggling and Trafficking
7. International Trafficking: An Important Component of Transnational Crime - Louise Shelley
8. Foreign Women's Life and Work in the Entertainment Sector of Korea from the Human Trafficking Perspective - Dong-Hoon Seol and Geon-Soo Han
9. Trafficking in Persons in the Americas: An Overview - John T. Picarelli

Part IV: Responding to Human Smuggling and Trafficking
10. The EU Combat against Illegal Immigration, Smuggling, and Trafficking in Human Beings: Its Impact on Spanish Law - Emiliano Garcia Coso
11. Japanese Experience and Response in Combating Trafficking - Atushi Kondo
12. The Trafficking of Thai Women to Japan and Countermeasures of the Thai Government - Yuriko Saito