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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Regulation of International Trade 4th ed isbn 9780415610902

The Regulation of International Trade 3rd.

ISBN13: 9780415700344
ISBN: 0415700345
New Edition ISBN: 9780415610902
Previous Edition ISBN: 0415184983
Published: June 2005
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Drawing on a wide variety of classic and contemporary sources, respected authors Howse and Trebilcock here provide a critical analysis of the institutions and agreements that have shaped international trade rules. In light of the growing debate over globalization, they include special sections examinations of topics such as: agriculture; services and trade-related intellectual property rights; labor rights; the environment; and, migration. Drawing on previous highly praised editions this comprehensive text is an invaluable guide to students of economics, law, politics and international relations. Now fully updated, this third edition includes full coverage of new developments including the Doha trade round, attitudes towards the Kyoto protocol and the growing body of WTO dispute resolution case law.

International Trade
1. The Evolution of International Trade Theory and Policy 2. The Most Favoured Nation Principle 3. The National Treatment Principle 4. Dispute Settlement 5. Trade, Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments 6. Tariffs, Rules of Origin and Regional Trading BlocArrangements 7. Trade Policy and Domestic Health 8. Antidumping Laws 9. Subsidies and Countervailing Duties 10. Safeguard Regimes 11. Trade and Agriculture 12. Trade and Services 12. Trade-Related Intellectual Property (TRIPs) 14. Trade and Investment 15. Trade and Developing Countries 16. Trade and the Environment 17. Trade and Labour Rights 18. Trade and Competition Policy 19. The International Movement of People