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Internet Child Abuse: Current Research and Policy

Edited by: Julia Davidson, Petter Gottschalk

ISBN13: 9780415697804
Published: August 2011
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback 2010)
Price: £46.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415559805

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Internet Child Abuse: Current Research and Policy provides a timely overview of international policy, legislation and offender management and treatment practice in the area of Internet child abuse. Internet use has grown considerably over the last five years, and information technology now forms a core part of the formal education system in many countries. There is however, increasing evidence that the internet is used by some adults to access children and young people in order to ‘groom’ them for the purposes of sexual abuse; as well as to produce and distribute indecent illegal images of children. This book presents and assesses the most recent and current research on internet child abuse, addressing: its nature, the behaviour and treatment of its perpetrators, international policy, legislation and protection, and policing. It will be required reading for an international audience of academics, researchers, policy makers and criminal justice practitioners with interests in this area.

Criminal Law
1. Introduction 2. Legislation & Policy: Protecting Young People, Sentencing and Managing Internet Sex Offenders 3. Characteristics of the Internet and Child Abuse 4. Combating Child Abuse Images on the Internet 5. Stage Model for Online Grooming Offenders 6. Understanding the Perpetrators Online Behaviour 7. Policing Social Networking Sites & Online Grooming 8. Assessment and Treatment Approaches with Online Sexual Offenders. Conclusion