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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Research Methods in Law 2nd ed isbn 9781138230194

Research Methods in Law

Edited by: Dawn Watkins, Mandy Burton

ISBN13: 9780415672153
New Edition ISBN: 9781138230194
Published: July 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780415672146

To cite the immortal words of 1980s pop band Bananarama "It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it" and this is especially true of legal research in the current academic climate. The aim of this book is to explain in clear terms some of the main methodological approaches in legal research.

This is an edited collection, with each chapter written by specialists in their field, researching in a variety of jurisdictions. Each contributor addresses the topic of "lay decision makers in the legal system" from one particular methodological perspective, explaining how they would approach the issue and discussing why their particular methodology might, or might not, be suited to this topic.

In asking all contributors to focus on the same topic, the editors have sought to provide a common link throughout the text, thereby providing the reader with an opportunity to draw comparisons between methodologies with relative ease. In light of the broad geographical range of its contributors, the book is aimed at an international readership.

This book will be of particular interest to PhD students in law, but it will also be of use to undergraduate dissertation students in law, LL.M Research students as well as prospective PhD students and early year researchers.

Legal Skills and Method
1. Doctrinal Research - Researching the Jury, Terry Hutchinson
2. Socio-Legal Studies: A Challenge to the Doctrinal Approach, Fiona Cownie and Anthony Bradney
3. Doing Empirical Research: Exploring the Decision Making of Magistrates and Juries, Mandy Burton
4. Legal Research in the Humanities, Dawn Watkins and Steven Cammiss
5. Legal History, Philip Handler
6. Comparative Law and its Methodology, Geoffrey Samuel
7. Critical Legal 'Method' as Attitude, Panu Minkkinen