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Aquaculture Law and Policy: Towards Principled Access and Operations

Edited by: David L. VanderZwaag, Gloria Chao

ISBN13: 9780415653572
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £27.99

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The aquaculture industry is fast expanding around the globe and causing major environmental and social disruptions. The volume is about getting a 'good governance' grip on this important industry. The book highlights the numerous law and policy issues that must be addressed in the search for effective regulation of aquaculture. Those issues include among others: the equitable and fair assignment of property rights; the design of effective dispute resolution mechanisms; clarification of what maritime laws apply to aquaculture; adoption of a proper taxation system for aquaculture; resolution of aboriginal offshore title and rights claims; recognition of international trade law restrictions such as labeling limitations and food safety requirements; and determination of whether genetically modified fish should be allowed and if so under what controls. This book will appeal to a broad range of audiences: undergraduate and postgraduate students, academic researchers, policy makers, NGOs, practicing lawyers and industry representatives.

Agricultural Law
Introduction: Towards Principled Access and Operations in Aquaculture

Part 1: Aquaculture Law and Policy at the Millennium: Global Trends and Challenges
1. Global Trends in Aquaculture Development
2. Global Challenges in the Regulation of Aquaculture

Part 2: Canadian Experience and Challenges in Aquaculture Law and Policy
3. Canadian Aquaculture and the Principles of Sustainable Development: Gauging the Law and Policy Tides and Charting a Course
4. A Principled Approach to Property Rights in Canadian Aquaculture
5. Conflict Prevention and Management: Designing Effective Dispute Resolution Strategies for Aquaculture Siting and Operations
6. Mariculture and Canadian Maritime Law Jurisdiction: An Unexplored Relationship?
7. . The Taxation of Aquaculture in Canada: Policy Implications of the Agricultural Model

Part 3: Aboriginal Title and Rights in Aquaculture
8. Aboriginal Title and Aquaculture
9. Aquaculture Law and Policy in Canada and the Duty to Consult with Aboriginal Peoples
10. The Duty to Consult: The Mi'kmaq Perspective
11. Indigenous Rights: Implications for Aquaculture

Part 4: International Trade Dimensions in Aquaculture
12. Aquaculture and the Multilateral Trade Regime: Issues of Seafood Safety, Labelling and the Environment
13. The Impact of European Union Trade Relations on Coastal Communities in Scandinavia: The Case of Salmon Farming Exports from the Faroes and Norway
14. Transgenic Fish: Some Canadian Regulatory Issues Part Five: Comparative National Legal Approaches in Aquaculture
15. Development of a US EEZ Operational Framework for Aquaculture
16. Australian Aquaculture: Opportunities and Challenges
17. New Zealand Mariculture: Unfairly Challenged? Conclusion: 'Towards Principled Access and Operations' Sustainable Aquaculture Law and Policy Needs

Series: Routledge Advances in Maritime Research

International Maritime Transport: Perspectives ISBN 9780415349901
Published December 2004