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Introduction to Spanish Private Law: Facing the Social and Economic Challenges

ISBN13: 9780415631501
Published: June 2012
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The topics addressed in this book have traditionally been covered in separate publications on civil and commercial law. This dualism of regimes has made it difficult for students and professionals alike to comprehend Spanish private law as a whole. In the past this has led to inefficient duplication of explanations, gaps in key areas and an altogether fragmented picture.

Introduction to Spanish Private Law presents a consolidated, modern, and realistic image of today's Spanish private legal system. It combines both civil and commercial law and integrates them in the same book, making the overall subject far more accessible to readers. This united approach results in a more logical and efficient process of learning. Finally the issues that are addressed reflect the reality of today's economic and legal scene. This book attempts to provide the readers with the necessary legal instruments to tackle the real problems arising from a globalized modern society. The general principles in this book are presented from a practical point of view that emanates from the authors' conception of a legal system as an instrument to solve social problems in accordance with a set of principles, values and aims.

European Jurisdictions, Spain
1. Spanish Private Law: History, Scope and Trends
2. The Person and the Law: Individual and Family
3. Organizations and Private Law: Communities, Companies and Groups
4. Business, Market and the Law
5. Goods and Private Law
6. Relationships in Private Law: Transactions and Contracts
7. Civil Liability
8. The Protection of Rights