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Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Law

ISBN13: 9780415630337
Published: July 2014
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £180.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780415622523

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This new edition to the series will provide an up-to-date textbook covering a wide-range of employment and labour law issues which affect the Commonwealth Caribbean. Initially the book will embark on a comparative analysis of employment and labour law in Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados, as a reference point for distinguishing the laws of other Commonwealth Caribbean jurisdictions.

The book will continue to examine how the law operates within the legal systems of the Caribbean, taking into account the umbilical link to British jurisprudence and the persuasive precedent of other Commonwealth jurisdictions, and the impact this has had on the growth and development of the area.

Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Law will be essential reading for students enrolled on Employment Law, Discrimination and Dismissal Law courses in the Caribbean.

Other Jurisdictions , Caribbean
Chapter 1: Historical Development
Chapter 2: Sources and Institutions of Employment and Labour Law
Chapter 3: Contracts of Employment
Chapter 4: Terms of the Employment Contract and Conditions of Employment
Chapter 5: Dismissal/Discharge at Common law
Chapter 6: Dismissal under the Auspices of Statute/ Remedies for theses dismissals
Chapter 7: Labour (Collective) law
Chapter 7: Labour (Collective) law
Chapter 9: Emerging Employment and Labour law issues in Commonwealth Caribbean
Chapter 10: Index of Commonwealth Caribbean Cases
Chapter 11: Extracts of important Caribbean Commonwealth Labour Legislation