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Gender, Sexualities and Law

Edited by: Jackie Jones, Anna Grear, Rachel Anne Fenton, Kim Stevenso

ISBN13: 9780415628747
Published: May 2012
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £49.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415574396

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

Bringing together an international range of academics, Gender, Sexualities and Law provides a comprehensive interrogation of the range of contemporary issues -- both topical and controversial -- raised by the gendered character of law, legal discourse and institutions. The gendering of law, persons and the legal profession, along with the gender bias of legal outcomes, has been a fractious, but fertile, focus of reflection. It has, moreover, been an important site of political struggle.

This collection of essays offers an unrivalled examination of its various contemporary dimensions, focusing on: issues of theory and representation; violence, both national and international; reproduction and parenting; and partnership, sexuality, marriage and the family. Gender, Sexualities and Law will be invaluable for all those engaged in research and study of the law (and related fields) as a form of gendered power.

General Interest
Part 1: Theory, Law and Sex
1. Women and the Cast of Legal Persons, Ngaire Naffine
2. De/Sexing the Woman Lawyer, Rosemary Hunter
3. 'Sexing the Matrix': Embodiment, Disembodiment and the Law: Towards the Re-Gendering of Legal Personality?, Anna Grear
4. Vulnerability, Equality and the Human Condition, Martha A. Fineman

Part 2: Representations, Law and Sex
5. The 'Gendered Company' Revisited, Alice Belcher
6. The Public Sex of the Judiciary: The Appearance of the Irrelevant and the Invisible, Leslie J. Moran
7. Sexuality, Gender and Social Cognition: Lesbian and Gay Identity in Judicial Decision-Making, Todd Brower
8. The Gendered Dock: Reflections on the Impact of Gender Stereotyping in the Criminal Justice System, Judith Rowbotham

Part 3: Violence, Law and Sex
9. 'She Never Screamed out and Complained': Recognising Gender in Legal and Media Representations of Rape, Kim Stevenson
10. Gendering Rape: Social Attitudes towards Male and Female Rape, Phil N.S. Rumney and Natalia Hanley
11. When Hate is not Enough: Tackling Homophobic Violence, Iain McDonald
12. The Legal Construction of Domestic Violence: 'Unmasking' a Private Problem, Mandy Burton

Part 4: International Violence, Law and Sex
13. Criminalization or Protection? Tensions in the Construction of Prevention Strategies Concerning Trafficking for the Purposes of Sexual Exploitation, Anna Carline
14. A Woman's Honour and a Nation's Shame: 'Honour Killings' in Pakistan, Shilan Shah-Davis 15. Supranational Criminal Prosecution of Sexual Violence, Anne-Marie de Brouwer

Part 5: Reproduction, Law and Sex
16. The Strange Case of the Invisible Woman in Abortion Law Reform, Kate Gleeson
17. Third-Wave Feminism, Motherhood and the Future of Feminist Legal Theory, Bridget J. Crawford
18. 'Shall I be Mother?' Reproductive Autonomy, Feminism and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008, Rachel Anne Fenton, D. Jane V. Rees and Sue Heenan
19. Motherhood and Autonomy in a Shared Parenting Climate, Susan B. Boyd

Part 6: Relationships, Law and Sex
20. A very British Compromise? Civil Partnerships, Liberalism by Stealth and the Fallacies of Neo-Liberalism, Jeffrey Weeks
21. Attitudes to Same-Sex Marriage in South African Muslim Communities: An Exploratory Study, Elsje Bonthuys and Natasha Erlank
22. Taking 'Sex' out of Marriage in the EU, Jackie Jones
23. From Russia (and Elsewhere) with Love: Mail Order Brides, Jennifer Marchbank