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Public Sex and the Law: Silent Desire

ISBN13: 9780415552875
To be Published: January 2026
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

Public Sex and the Law examines the current legal status and regulation of public sex. Legal reform of sexuality appears to have focussed upon the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities. But whilst ‘gay’ sexual acts and identities have seen a raft of legal reform and international debate - most notably in North America - sexuality activists have been reluctant to defend public sex, let alone campaign for legal reform. The men and women who engage in public sex and their expression of desire remains silent not only in the somatic encounters that take place, but also within the policy making process. This book draws upon original and multi-disciplinary research into the operation of the ‘public sex community’ to highlight the unacknowledged battle being waged between the law enforcement and the cruising, cottaging and dogging communities.

Criminal Law
Part 1: The Sexuality Landscape
Chapter 1: Sexuality, Policy and the Law
Chapter 2: Theorising Public Sex

Part 2: Policing Public Sex
Chapter 3: Entering the Cottage
Chapter 4: The Cruising Ground
Chapter 5: The Dogging Phenomenon
Chapter 6: Technology and Public Sex

Part 3: Commercial Sex and the Public Sex Nexus
Chapter 7: International Approaches to Commercial Space
Chapter 8: Sex Work and the Street

Part 4: The Future of Public Sex
Chapter 9: A New Approach?