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International Law and the Conservation of Coral Reefs

ISBN13: 9780415489805
Published: April 2011
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £125.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780415859585

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Coral reefs are important ecosystems which are increasingly threatened by pollution, climate change and habitat change. Coral reefs are economically important to coastal communities living in predominantly developing countries, and also provide shoreline protection, catalyse land formation enabling human habitation, act as a carbon sink and are a repository for genetic and species diversity rivalling tropical rainforests. In the face of mounting man-made pressure, these ecosystems increasingly need action to be taken to ensure their conservation and long term sustainable development.

This book breaks new ground by providing the first in-depth account of the ways in which multilateral environmental treaty regimes are seeking to encourage and improve the conservation of warm-water coral reef ecosystems. In so doing, the work aims to raise the profile of such activities in order to reinforce their status on the environmental agenda.

The book also has wider implications for the international environmental law project, arguing that sectorial legal action, provided it remains co-ordinated through a global forum which recognises and reflects the inter-connections between all elements of the natural environment, is the most practically effective way for international law to enhance conservation of habitats.

Environmental Law
Part I: Preliminaries 1. Coral Reefs 2. The Role of International Law 3. International Law and Maritime Jurisdiction Part II: The Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements 4. United Nations Law of the Sea Convention and the Regional Seas Agreements 5. Coral Reefs and the Conservation of Biological Diversity 6. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance 7. Coral Reefs as World Heritage 8. CITES and the Regulation of International Trade in Coral Reef Specimens and Products 9. Coral Reefs and CO2 Emissions Part III: Conclusions 10. Improving Governance