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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Routledge Revision Q&A: Civil Liberties and Human Rights 2013-2014 isbn 9780415633659

Routledge Q&A: Civil Liberties and Human Rights 2011-2012

ISBN13: 9780415483292
New Edition ISBN: 9780415633659
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780415432139
Published: January 2011
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Each Routledge Q&A contains approximately fifty essay and problem-based questions on topics commonly found on exam papers, complete with answer plans and fully worked model answers. The titles are written by lecturers who are also examiners, so you can recognise exactly what examiners are looking for in an answer.

The new editions for 2011-2012 include:-

  • An introduction, with essay-writing and exam preparation advice, tailored towards the subject under consideration.
  • ‘Aim Higher’ text boxes offering tips and advice to help those students aiming for top marks to go the extra mile.
  • ‘Common Pitfalls’ text boxes showing where students often trip up or highlighting areas of common confusion, to help students avoid making some of these common mistakes.
  • Key cases and legislation, highlighted within the text for ease of reference.
  • Boxed answer plans after each question, outlining the major points students should be aiming to convey in their answer.
  • Books in the series are also supported by a companion website offering bonus Q&As, advice on preparing for exams, revision checklists and discussion forums.

Student Revision Aids
Freedom of Expression
Official Secrecy and Freedom of Information
Freedom of Assembly and Association
Police Powers and the Rights of Suspects
Prisoners' Rights
Freedom of Movement
Freedom From Discrimination
The Human Rights Act 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights.