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Sport, Physical Recreation and the Law

ISBN13: 9780415321853
Published: July 2009
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £55.00

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It is important for anybody involved in sport and physical recreation to be aware of the legal context in which their activity takes place, to develop an understanding of their legal responsibilities and to know what might happen if something goes wrong.

Sport, Physical Recreation and the Law is the first textbook on this difficult subject for students and practitioners in sport and physical recreation. Covering a wide range of legal principles and cases, this textbook introduces the reader to legal systems, terminology, databases and the use of case law.

Designed to encourage analysis, reflection and the application of examples and ideas from the reader's own experience, the book clearly and comprehensively explains key topics such as:-

  • socio-legal aspects of sports violence and criminal liability;
  • negligence and defences against negligence;
  • manslaughter by individuals and organisations in sport;
  • principles of natural justice, disciplinary tribunals and doping;
  • discrimination, harassment and child protection;
  • risk management, statutory duties, and breaches of health and safety;
  • and, criminal liability in mainstream sports, hazing and cage fighting.
Including over 300 exercises, hypothetical scenarios, investigative tasks and seminar activities, this book is an essential course text for all students of sport, recreation and the law, and an invaluable reference for coaches, physical education teachers and those who play, lead or organise sport and physical recreation.

Announced as: Legal Issues in Sport, PE and Recreation

Sports Law
1. Resources at your fingertips: A guide to legal sources, databases, and organizations
2. Taking reasonable care? Principles of negligence in sport, physical education and recreation
3. Defnces against negligence: Volenti, contributory negligence and two rugby cases
4. Sport violence and criminal assault: A socio-legal perspective
5. Discrimination, harassment and child protection in sport and physical recreation
6. Safe in our hands? Risk management and breaches of health and safety: Learning from cases and incidents
7. Causing and Investigating Death: An overview of selected manslaughter cases
8. Natural justice principles, sport disciplinaries and key doping cases
9. Unfinished business? Legal reform on offences against the person: Implications for sado-masochism, sports, hazing and cage-fighting