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Evil or Ill?

Lawrie ReznekUniversity of Toronto, Canada

ISBN13: 9780415167000
ISBN: 0415167000
Published: February 1997
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: £38.99

Drawing from case examples, this text examines the concept of an excuse, and explains why the law excuses certain actions and not others. It explains that in law, there exists two excuses derived from Aristotle: the excuses of ignorance and compulsion. This text however, proposes that there is actually a third excuse - the excuse of character change. In introducing this third excuse, the author raises a controversial possibility - the abolition of the insanity defence.

Introduction. The Diagnosis of Evil 1. A History of Criminal Responsibility 2. A Taxonomy of Defences 3. Ignorance as an Excuse 4. Compulsion as an Excuse 5. Automatism as an Excuse 6. Justification of Excuses 7. Causality as an Excuse 8. The Reductionist Theory 9. The Irrationality Theory 10. The Nature of Disease 11. Character Change as an Excuse 12. The Clash of Paradigms 13. The Insanity Defence in Practice Conclusion. Psychiatric Justice References. Index.