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Women, Psychology and Law

Fiona RaittUniversity of Dundee, Suzanne ZeedykUniversity of Dundee

ISBN13: 9780415147828
ISBN: 0415147824
Published: June 2000
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The Implicit Relation of Psychology and Law brings an innovative, feminist analysis to these affiliated fields. Fiona E. Raitt and M. Suzanne Zeedyk explore the role of psychological syndromes (i.e. Battered Woman's Syndrome, Rape Trauma Syndrome, Pre-menstrual Syndrome and False Memory Syndrome) within the courtrooms of the UK and the US. In addition to the explicit relationship between the two fields, they argue that there is an unrecognised implicit relation existing within the intersection of psychology and law, which they find works to the disadvantage of women. Both novel and controversial and written in an accessible style, The Implicit Relation of Psychology and Law will engage readers from a wide range of disciplines including: psychology, law, critical theory, criminology and women's studies.

Introduction. The Explicit Relation. The Implicit Relation. Battered Womans Syndrome. Rape Trauma Syndrome. Premenstrual Syndrome. False Memory Syndrome. Moving Beyond the Implicit Relation. References.