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Occupational Health

Ann FingretRoyal Marsden Hospital Trust, Alan SmithNational Advisory Council on the Employment of People with Disabilities

ISBN13: 9780415106283
ISBN: 0415106281
Published: June 1995
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

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Occupational Health: A Practical Guide for Managers examines the reasons why employers should address the health of their workforce. It explores the implication that health issues have for bottom line performance and offers guidelines for developing an effective occupational health policy and associated procedures. The authors are both senior professionals in the field and have a wealth of industrial experience to draw on. They have used their first-hand knowledge to produce a practical introduction to occupatioal health which includes the latest legislative requirements and current recommended practice. Material is presented in an easy-to-read, non-technical format, making the book particularly useful to the reader with no previous knowledge of the field. Short executive summaries at the beginning of each chapter highlight key action points for quick reference, while a more extensive reference section at the end of the book signposts the way to detailed information on specific issues. The book is in four parts. Part one provides an introduction to the history and scope of occupational health, discusses contemporary practice and looks at the legal and organizational factors involve

Acknowledgements Preface Section One Chapter One Organizational and Legal Considerations 1. The Changing Nature of Work 2. Factors Driving Change 3. Demographic Considerations 4. Types of Organization and the Organizational Stucture 5. Contractual Arrangements 6. The Role of the Personnel Function 7. Symbols used on Flow Diagramming 8. Example of a Flow Diagram Chapter Two Introduction to Occupational Health 1. History of Occupational Health 2. Employers Initiatives 3. Employees Initiatives 4. Government Initiatives 5. Occupational Health Today 6. Role of Occupational Health 7. Setting up an Occupational Health Service 8. Confidenti lity Chapter Three An Organizational Health Policy 1. Introduction 2. Developing the Health Policy 3. Audit 4. Features of the Policy 5. Implementation and Monitoring 6. Sample Policy 7. Checklist Organizational Health Section Two Chapter Four Mental Health and Illness at Work 1. Introduction 2. Mental Health/Ill Health 3. Causes of Stress at Work 4. Developing a Policy for Promotion and Maintenance of Mental Health 5. Mental Illness in the Workplace 6. Conclusion 7. Sample Mental Health Policy 8. Sample Alcohol Misuse Policy 9. Contents of Stress Management Workshop Chapter Five Aids and Employment 1. Introduction 2. Clinical Considerations 3. Developing a Policy 4. Contents of a Policy 5. Overseas Travel 6. Legal Considerations 7. Conclusion 8. Sample Policy Chapter Six Sickness Absence 1. Introduction 2. Demography 3. Controlling Absence 4. Long Term Absence 5. Intermittent Persistent Absence 6. Use of Medical Certificates 7. Conclusion 8. Sample Policy Chapter Seven Smoking in the Workplace 1. Introduction 2. Legal Considerations 3. Providing an Atmosphere Free from Tobacco Smoke 4. Development of a Smoking Policy 5. Preparing for Action 6. Taking Action 7. Launching the Policy 8. Making it Work 9. Conclusion 10. Sample Questionnaire 11. Sample Feedback 12. Sample Policy 13. Sample Management Manual Chapter Eight Health Promotion in the Workplace 1. Introduction 2. The Business Case 3. The Moral Case 4. Workplace Intitiatives 5. Scope for Workplace Initiatives 6. Educating and Screening 7. Assessing the Health Promotion Needs 8. Defining Target Areas 9. Obtaining Advice 10. Developing a Programme 11. Resource Implications 12. Example of Health Promotion Initiative Section Three Chapter Nine Employment of People with Disabilities 1. Introduction 2. The Business Case for Employing People with Disabilities 3. Disability Awareness 4. Matching Ability to Job 5. Legal Considerations 6. Employment Service Initiatives 7. Conclusions 8. Sample Policy Chapter Ten The Employment of Women 1. Introduction 2. Legislation 3. Health and Safety 4. Family-Friendly Policies 5. Conclusion 6. Sample Policy Section Four Chapter Eleven Use of Display Screen Equipment 1. Introd