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The Institutional Framework of the European Communities New ed

D.A.C. Freestone, J.S. Davidsonboth at the University of Hull

ISBN13: 9780415058711
ISBN: 0415058716
Published: October 1988
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.99

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After more than a decade of British membership of the European Community, there is still a widespread lack of appreciation of what goes on within the Community institutions, and of its significance for UK political and legal processes. This book aims to provide a concise introduction to the institutions and law-making processes of the Community, and to set them im their proper perspective as part of UK public law. The prime focus is upon the Community institutions and their inter-relations, however, reference is also made as appropriate to the effects which Community decision-making has on Westminster and Whitehall and in the English courts. In particular, the book examines the sources of Community law, the organisation and composition of the main institutions after the accession of Portugal and Spain, and the decision-making processes involved in the enactment of the Community's legislation. There are also chapters on the budgetary process and on the role of the European Court of Justice. Despite the UK emphasis some comparative material is used to put the UK approach into perspective. To enhance its value to readers cominig to the subject for the first time, the book also contain

EU Law
1. Introduction 2. The Sources of Community Law 3. The Community Institutions 4. Community Decision Making 5. The Budget 6. The Court of Justice Appendix: Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community: Selected Articles Index