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The Reform of Child Care Law

John Ekelaar, Robert DingwallResearch Fellow, Wolfson College and Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, John EekelaarFellow and Tutor in Law, Pembroke College, University of Oxford

ISBN13: 9780415017367
ISBN: 041501736X
Published: March 1990
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: £42.99

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The Children Act 1989 introduces the most radical changes in child care law for a generation and will have significant effects on all professionals practising in this area. Concentrating on fieldwork aspects of the new law - the definition of court proceedings - The Reform of Child Care Law places the new act in its historical and political context and forms a concise, practical guide to the legislation.

1. The historical background 2. A new framework for private law: parental responsibility and children's rights 3. A new framework for public law: local authorities and the courts 4. The organizational context of child protection practice 5. The powers and duties of local authorities: family support and preventive action 6. The acquisition of compulsory powers: first steps 7. Grounds for bringing care or supervision proceedings 8. Preparing a case 9. Presenting a case 10. The outcome of care proceedings _