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Round Hall Nutshells: Family Law 2nd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414124028
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Round Hall Press
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £24.00
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The new edition of the 'Family Law Nutshell' presents a detailed yet concise examination of the core aspects of Irish family law, with a view to assisting students beginning their study of the subject and those revising for exams. The clear and thorough manner in which the information is presented will make this an invaluable revision tool for all students of the discipline. The book provides a comprehensive insight into reported and unreported decisions of the courts, legislation and other relevant developments in the context of an ever-evolving society.

Since the first edition, there have been a number of both legislative and constitutional changes, in particular in relation to: guardianship, custody and access, the rights of the child, same-sex couples, civil partnership and cohabitation, adoption, domestic violence, and marital breakdown. All chapters have been revised and rewritten to incorporate such developments, and the content has been updated generally on the law relating to both the marital and non-marital family, and children.

Irish Law, eBooks