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Procurement Law in Ireland 2nd ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414121355
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Round Hall Press
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £475.00
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Procurement Law, Second Edition, comes to market six years after the successful publication of the first edition. Fully reviewed with extensive updates to case law and legislative progress in the years since the first edition, the text provides an overview of the principles of public procurement, thresholds and exclusions for public contracts, notification and procurement procedures, framework agreements and dynamic purchasing, and remedies and redress. It is an extensive evaluation of the substantive and procedural provisions applying to public procurement in this jurisdiction.

It remains a key text for legal practitioners and those working in the area of public procurement in local authorities, Government departments, utilities and potential contractors and bidders in the private sector.

Key Features:

  • Extensive evaluation of public procurement law in this jurisdiction
  • Consolidates relevant Irish procedures on notification of tenders and the procurement process
  • Analyses the relevant procedures for reviewing the procurement process and seeking redress
  • Analyses public procurement from a legal and practical perspective
  • Deals with EU Directives and transposing national legislation and case law

Irish Law, eBooks
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Principles of Public Procurement
Chapter 3: Contracting Authorities and Entities
Chapter 4: Types of Public Contract
Chapter 5: Concession Contracts and Public-Private Partnerships
Chapter 6: Sub-threshold Contracts and Cross-Border Interest
Chapter 7: Exclusions and Exemptions
Chapter 8: Types of Procedure
Chapter 9: Framework Agreements
Chapter 10: Dynamic Purchasing and Electronic Procurement
Chapter 11: Selection Criteria
Chapter 12: Award Criteria
Chapter 13: Social and Environmental Public Procurement
Chapter 14: Evaluation of Bids
Chapter 15: Abnormally Low Tenders
Chapter 16: Notification of Decision and Reasons
Chapter 17: Remedies and Redress
Chapter 18: Contract Performance
Chapter 19: Modification of Contracts
Chapter 20: State Aid