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Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases 11th ed with 1st Supplement (Book & eBook Pack)

Edited by: Daniel Greenberg, Strouds

ISBN13: 9780414120273
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £1136.00
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First published in 1890, Stroud is long established as the foremost dictionary of the English language as it has been interpreted by the courts and in statutory material. In three volumes, Stroud is a comprehensive and indispensable tool for the practitioner and a unique source for the researcher, providing quick access to exact, authoritative meanings.

Stroud's Judicial Dictionary remains the starting point for research into the meaning of all words and phrases that come to be used in a legal context. Unlike Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, which provides an authoritative definition of technical legal concepts, Stroud records how any expression that happens to occur in a legal document or be referred to for a legal purpose has been construed by the courts or defined in legislation.

New to the 11th edition:

  • Full coverage of judicial decisions since the last edition
  • Selected statutory definitions since the last edition
  • Special attention to newly defined technology terms
  • Additions to long-standing “always speaking” defined terms
  • Extensive coverage of devolved law material

The 11th edition, published in June 2023, now includes an updating 1st Supplement published in July 2024.

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