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Coroners: Practice and Procedure 2nd ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414119253
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Round Hall Press
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £415.00
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The leading text and reference book on coroners practice and procedure in Ireland.

This is the second edition of the textbook by Dr Brian Farrell, former Dublin City and District Coroner.

The first edition since its publication in 2000 has constituted the leading text and reference book on Coroners practice and procedure in Ireland. Coroners law, practice and procedure has evolved considerably during the past 25 years inspired by a number of executive reviews and decisions of the superior courts relating to inquests. Additional impetus emanating from the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the Coroners Acts 1962 to 2024 and associated legislation has been pivotal.

The new edition provides additional material on the historical background to the coronial system in Ireland, and on the Office of Coroner in the light of new administrative arrangements pursuant to the Coroners Acts 1962 to 2024.

Irish Law, eBooks
1. History of the Coroner in Ireland
2. The Office of the Coroner
3. Jurisdiction of the Coroner
4. The Body: Powers and Duties
5. Registration of Deaths
6. Reporting Deaths to the Coroner
7. Procedure Following the Report of a Death
8. Natural and Unnatural Death
9. Post-mortem Examination
10. Preparation for Inquest
11. The Jury
12. Procedure at Inquest
13. Witnesses at Inquest
14. Rules of Evidence and Examination of Witnesses
15. Findings and Verdict
16. Judicial Review
17. Matters Arising After the Inquest

Coroners Acts 1962 to 2024 (Revised)
Coroners Acts 1962 to 2024 (Revised – Annotated by the Law Reform Commission)
Coroners (Amendment) Act 2024
Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022
Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020
Coroners (Amendment) Act 2019
Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013
Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011
Coroners (Amendment) Act 2005
Civil Registration Act 2004 to 2024
Coroners Act 1962 [Annotated by the Author]
Human Tissue (Transplantation, Post-Mortem, Anatomical Examination and Public Display) Act 2024
S.I. No.
43/2020 – Rules of the Superior Courts (Coroners)