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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences 31st edition with 2nd Supplement isbn 9780414122970

Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences 31st ed

Edited by: Kevin McCormac, Philip Brown, Malcolm Dodds, Nick Watson

ISBN13: 9780414115705
New Edition ISBN: 9780414122970
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414091030
Published: September 2023
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Wilkinson’s Road Traffic Offences covers all the criminal offences linked to motoring, including speeding, drink driving, dangerous driving, insurance violations, licence violations, offences concerning the condition of vehicles, etc.

In addition to commentary relating to this range of offences, the title also includes definitions of motoring terms and court procedural information and instructions to guide practitioners through this area of the law from both a prosecution and defence perspective.


  • Sets out the basic principles and clarifies key terms, covering specific offences chapter-by-chapter ensuring relevant information is easy to find;
  • Renowned and authoritative author team led by General Editor Kevin McCormac;
  • Sets out the implications of recent legislative and case law developments;
  • Key reference for road traffic lawyers, providing up-to-date and authoritative answers.

Road Traffic Law
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Table of Statutory Instruments
Table of European Provisions
Table of International Conventions and Provisions
Chapter 1: Definitions
Chapter 2: Procedure
Chapter 3: Evidence
Chapter 4: Drink/Driving Offences
Chapter 5: Dangerous, Careless and Inconsiderate Driving, etc.
Chapter 6: Driver Offences
Chapter 7: Accidents and Furnishing Information
Chapter 8: Vehicle Offences
Chapter 9: Protection of Drivers and Passengers
Chapter 10: Insurance
Chapter 11: Driving Licences
Chapter 12: Excise and Trade Licences
Chapter 13: Goods and Passenger Vehicles
Chapter 14: Drivers’ Hours and Records
Chapter 15: Theft, Taking Conveyances, Aggravated Vehicle-taking, Criminal Damage and Causing Danger to Road Users
Chapter 16: Forgery, Fraudulent Use and False Statements
Chapter 17: Fixed Penalties
Chapter 18: Custodial and Other Penalties
Chapter 19: Endorsement and Penalty Points
Chapter 20: Disqualification
Chapter 21: Special Reasons and Mitigating Circumstances
Chapter 22: Appeals
Appendix 1: Drink/Driving
Appendix 2: Endorsement and Sentence Codes
Appendix 3: Sentencing Guidelines
Appendix 4: Stopping Distances, etc.