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The Law of Artificial Intelligence 2nd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414114524
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £231.00
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The Law of Artificial Intelligence is an essential practitioner's reference text examining the application of current regulation and civil and criminal laws to AI and emerging areas of AI-specific regulation and proposed law reforms. Topics include the fundamentals of AI technology, the general regulatory landscape and key regulatory frameworks, liability for harms involving AI, including product liability and professional negligence, IP and privacy and their impact on the training, use and outputs of AI, competition law concerns, criminal law and agency. The book also covers ethics and the use of AI within legal services and the administration of justice.

The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated including greatly expanded coverage of "generative" AI and new chapters on Human Rights, Public Law, Employment Law, Financial Services and Autonomous Vehicles.

The book is edited by the leading AI experts Matt Hervey, Head of Artificial Intelligence Law at Gowling WLG (UK) LLP, and Matthew Lavy KC at 4 Pump Court. The chapters are by specialists from the bar, private practice, academia and industry.

eBooks, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
1. Introduction
2. The Technology
3. “Context Matters”: The Law, Ethics and AI
4. Human Rights (new)
5. International Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
6. Liability for Physical Damage
7. Liability for Economic Harm
8. AI and Professional Liability
9. Patents (New)
10. IP other than Patents
11. Data Protection and Privacy
12. Competition Law
13. Employment Law (New)
14. Public Law and Procurement Law
15. Criminal Law
16. Financial services (New)
17. Autonomous Vehicles (New)
18. Smart Contracts
19. Algorithms in the Justice System: Current Practices, Legal and Ethical Challenges
20. AI in the Legal Profession