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Jervis on Coroners 15th ed (eBook)

Edited by: Paul Matthews

ISBN13: 9780414114289
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £312.00
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Navigate the landscape of coronial law with Jervis on Coroners. This quintessential guide is the leading resource for anyone involved in a coroner’s inquest or investigation, taking you step-by-step through the practice and procedure. From the fundamental principles to the complexity of homicide cases, disasters, prescribed diseases and notifiable accidents, this work provides detail and insight across the full spectrum of issues that you might encounter.

Jervis on Coroners is more than just a reference – it’s the key to understanding the nuances of this legal system and the specific powers and duties of the coroner. With a logical structure and all-angles approach it is essential reading for coroners, solicitors and barristers, local government officials and medical examiners. Secure your copy now to ensure that you are equipped with the expertise to handle even the most intricate of cases with confidence and authority.

  • The authority on coronial law and its practice in coroner inquests and investigations.
  • Consolidates all relevant procedures, rules, materials and legislation to deliver complete guidance on this legal system.
  • Explains the classification, appointment and function of coroners and medical examiners and their territorial jurisdiction.
  • Covers all matters relevant to beginning an investigation, outlining the basis for a coronial investigation and the required reports and certificates.
  • Addresses the scope of an investigation and the four statutory questions: who died, how, when and where?
  • Looks at issues of information and publicity such as disclosure, data protection, freedom of information, privilege and coroners’ powers to obtain such information.
  • Guidance on procedures before an inquest, during the preliminaries and at the inquest itself.
  • Commentary on special cases of homicide, notifiable accidents and prescribed diseases, treasure and major disasters.
  • Outlines post-inquest matters including administration, fees, appeals and statutory and judicial review.
  • Additional analysis of the international dimension of coroners and human rights.
  • Accompanied with legislation, forms and precedents.

Criminal Law, eBooks, Courts and Procedure
Part I: The Office of Coroner
1. General Introduction
2. The Office of Coroner
3. Medical Examiners
4. The Territorial Jurisdiction of Corners
Part II: The Investigation
5. Beginning the Investigation
6. The Scope of the Investigation
7. Information and Publicity
8. Coroner’s Powers Before Inquest
9. Disposal of Human Remains
Part III: The Inquest
10. The Inquest: Preliminaries
11. Procedure at the Inquest: Part I
12. Procedure at the Inquest: Part II
13. Determination and Record of Inquest
Part IV: Special Cases
14. Homicide
15. Notifiable Accidents and Prescribed Diseases
16. Treasure
17. Major Disasters
Part V: After the Inquest
18. Matters After the Inquiry
19. Appeals
20. Further Proceedings
Part VI: The International Dimension
21. Coroners and Human Rights
22. Comparative Death Inquiry Law