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Equity & Trusts Textbook 7th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414112797
Published: October 2023
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £36.95
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Equity & Trusts presents a clear and current picture of the law of equity and trusts, with comprehensive coverage that assumes no pre-existing knowledge of the topic by the reader.

  • Presents a detailed account of the law of equity and trusts, placing the subject in its modern context
  • Takes account of the latest legislative and case law developments
  • Combines in-depth commentary with critical analysis to give more than just a guide to the law
  • Mirrors the structure of a traditional equity and trusts course for ease of use during studies
  • Illustrates how the law operates in practice
  • Gives examples to aid understanding of the more complex and technical areas
  • Offers a short guide to further reading at the end of each chapter
  • Contains a glossary of key terms at the start of the work

Equity & Trusts is an indispensable resource for all those studying law at degree or graduate diploma level.

Equity and Trusts, eBooks
An Introduction
The Three Certainties
Constitution of Trusts
Formalities and the Perpetuity Rules
Post-Mortem Trusts: Mutual Wills and Secret Trusts
Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts
Charitable Trusts
Resulting Trusts
Constructive Trusts
Trusts of the Family Home
The Appointment, Retirement and Removal of Trustees
The Duties of a Trustee
Variation of Trusts
Setting Trusts Aside
Breach of Trust
Specific Performance