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Cretney and Probert's Family Law Textbook 11th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414112001
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £48.00
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Cretney and Probert’s Family Law provides a clear and detailed account of this core area of law. As part of the Textbook Series, the work sets out a clear framework and seeks to explain the intricacies of the law as clearly as possible, without sacrificing the detail that is required for a proper understanding of the subject.

  • Provides students with guidance on all the major themes and principles of family law
  • Sets issues in their social and historical context showing students how the law has developed and its modern social significance
  • Includes discussion of key debates and policy developments
  • Mirrors the structure of a traditional family law course for ease of use during studies
  • Uses cases, references and explanatory narrative to support the text

New to the 11th Edition:

  • Key legislative changes include the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, and the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022.
  • A new chapter on Cohabitation.

Cretney and Probert’s Family Law is an ideal textbook for law undergraduates studying family law. Its clear coverage also makes it an ideal text for non-law students studying a course with a family law element.

Family Law, eBooks
1. Family Law and Family Life
2. Marriage and Civil Partnerships
3. Cohabitation
4. Divorce and Dissolution
5. Ownership of Family Assets
6. Protection from Domestic Abuse
7. Family Maintenance
8. Dealing with Assets upon Divorce or Dissolution
9. Rights on Death
10. The Welfare Principle
11. Legal Parentage
12. Parental Responsibility and Children’s Rights
13. The Courts’ Powers to Make Orders Dealing with Children’s Upbringing: The Private Law
14. Court Orders Dealing with Children’s Upbringing: The State’s Role
15. Adoption