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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 13th ed with 2nd Supplement isbn 9780414117754

Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 13th ed

ISBN13: 9780414105010
New Edition ISBN: 9780414117754
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414082502
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

For comprehensive and clear guidance on insurance contract law you need Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance. It takes a detailed look at three distinct areas: the insurance contract, the different parties involved and the features of special types of insurance contract in the UK. The commentary expertly examines the key principles, rights and issues and is supported with analysis of the most recent and significant case law.

Key features:

  • Extensive commentary on the construction of insurance policies to help explain issues such as risk, utmost good faith, insurable interest, the premium, claims and loss.
  • Addresses the roles of the different parties involved, including intermediaries, as well as the regulation of insurers.
  • Looks at nine special types of insurance contract: reinsurance, life and accident, property, liability, third party, motor vehicle, financial, marine and war risks.
  • Sets out the rules governing insurance contract wording and phrasing.
  • Includes a dedicated chapter on the rights of insurers.
  • Discusses the insolvency of insurance companies and relevant proceedings, as well as the protection of policyholders.
  • Analyses the most important cases, legislation and regulation.
  • Provides an international dimension with analysis of significant Commonwealth decisions that are affecting the English courts.
  • Supplemented annually to ensure the text is always up to date.

Note the annual supplements are charged separately.

Insurance Law
Part I: The Contract of Insurance
1. Contract of insurance
2. Conflict of laws
3. Construction of the policy
4. Insurable interest
5. The risk
6. The duty of utmost good faith
7. Presentation of the risk
8. Terms of insurance contracts
9. The premium
10. Claims
11. Loss and the measure of indemnity
12. The rights of insurers
13. Statutory control of policies
Part II: The Parties
14. The regulation of insurers
15. The assured
16. Insurance intermediaries
17. The insolvency of insurance companies
Part III: Special Types of Insurance Contract
18. Reinsurance
19. Life and accident insurance
20. Property insurance
21. Liability insurance
22. Third party rights under liability policies
23. Motor vehicle insurance
24. Financial insurance
25. Marine insurance
26. War risks