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Facts & Figures 2022/23: Tables for the Calculation of Damages 27th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

Edited by: William Latimer-Sayer KC, et al

ISBN13: 9780414104242
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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Special Damages constitute an important part of most personal injury claims and preparing a schedule of damages is a complex process. Facts & Figures: Tables for the Calculation of Damages makes the entire calculation process quicker, easier and more accurate.

The calculation of past and future losses in personal injury and clinical negligence cases can be a lengthy, technical and complex matter. Facts & Figures: Tables for the Calculation of Damages 2022/23 is designed to guide barristers, insurers, solicitors and all levels of the judiciary through the issues that such a calculation can involve. It is compiled with input from many sources, including lawyers, accountants and actuaries, as well as nursing, housing and motoring consultants. Although the most complex cases may still require their own expert evidence, with the aid of Facts & Figures you can calculate:

  • Multipliers for future losses for life, to retirement age, from retirement age, for limited periods, or at specified or unspecified dates in the future
  • Net incomes from gross
  • Claims for gratuitous care
  • Housing costs
  • Interest rates
  • Motoring costs in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Facts & Figures 2022/23 also contains information and helpful guidance on:

  • Splitting multipliers for future losses
  • Periodical payments
  • Loss of earnings and lost years calculations
  • Pension loss calculations
  • Swift v Carpenter calculations
  • Calculating Court of Protection and deputyship costs

Personal Injury Law, Remedies and Damages, eBooks
Group A: Ogden Tables and Related Materials;
Group B: Damages;
Group C: Interest Rates
Group D: Investment;
Group E: Prices;
Group F: Earnings:
Group G:Tax and National Insurance:
Group H: Pension;
Group I: Benefits, Allowances, Charges;
Group J:Court of Protection;
Group K: Carer Rates and Rehabilitation;
Group L: Motoring and Allied Material;
Group M: Other Information