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Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences 30th ed with 2nd Supplement Set (eBook)

Edited by: Kevin McCormac, Philip Brown, Nick Watson, Peter Veits

ISBN13: 9780414103832
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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Wilkinson’s Road Traffic Offences covers all the criminal offences linked to motoring, including speeding, drink driving, dangerous driving, insurance violations, licence violations, offences concerning the condition of vehicles, etc.

In addition to commentary relating to this range of offences, the title also includes definitions of motoring terms and court procedural information and instructions to guide practitioners through this area of the law from both a prosecution and defence perspective.


  • Sets out the basic principles and clarifies key terms, covering specific offences chapter-by-chapter ensuring relevant information is easy to find;
  • Renowned and authoritative author team led by General Editor Kevin McCormac;
  • Sets out the implications of recent legislative and case law developments;
  • Key reference for road traffic lawyers, providing up-to-date and authoritative answers