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JCT: Building Contract for a Home Owner/Occupier Who Has Not Appointed a Consultant

ISBN13: 9780414098275
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414050365
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £37.00 + £7.40 VAT

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The pack contains two copies - one each for the customer and contractor.

This contract is for a home owner/occupier who has not appointed a consultant to administer the contract. The customer deals directly with the contractor. It is suitable for small domestic building work, such as extensions and alterations.

This is a consumer contract for a residential occupier; therefore it is excluded from the provisions of the Construction Act. However the contract does provide for adjudication in the event of a dispute between the home owner and the contractor. See Rules for Adjudication (HO/Adj) and explanatory notes. The works are carried out for an agreed lump sum (including VAT), which can be paid in a single payment on completion, or agreed interim payments.

Part 1. (The arrangements for the work) covers: the work to be done (please click here to download a sample page), planning permission, building regulations and party walls, using facilities on the premises, price, payment, the working period, product guarantees, Insurance, working hours, occupation and security of the premises, and disputes.

Part 2. (The conditions) covers: contractor’s responsibilities, customer’s responsibilities, health and safety, changing the work details, extending the working period, payment, contractor’s continuing responsibility, bringing the contract to an end, right to cancel, insolvency, other rights and remedies, and law of the contract.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) apply to both domestic and commercial clients. Domestic clients should refer to guidance produced by the HSE, Want construction work done safely? (INDG411(rev1)).

JCT Contracts