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EU Merger Control 6th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414098022
To be Published: December 2025
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £255.00
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EU Merger Control is the classic English language text on the regulation of mergers by the EU competition authorities. This edition provides a complete guide to how the regulatory regime introduced by the 2004 EC Merger Regulation has developed in practice, examining both the substantive and procedural features of merger regulation, as well as discussing the casework of the European Commission and the workings of the European Competition Network in the merger control context.

  • Describes the evolution and maturing of the EU merger control regime from its inception in 1989, highlighting its main substantive and procedural features
  • Identifies the obligations of businesses with regard to mergers in the EU, and provides guidance for meeting them
  • Considers the notification process and the Commission’s investigative powers
  • Discusses decision and judicial procedures
  • Explains the relationship between the Commission and national authorities
  • Explores the Commission’s casework under the 2004 merger regime and the SIEC test
  • Analyses the Non-Horizontal Merger Guidelines and the Commission's casework applying them
  • Considers the implications of important recent merger cases
Authors of the previous editions were John Cook and Christopher Kerser

Competition Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, eBooks
1. Introduction
2. Concentrations
3. Ancillary Restraints
4. Community Dimension
5. Notification and Investigation
6. The Decision Process
7. Appraisal of Concentrations
8. Remedies
9. National Authorities and National Law
10. Review by the Court