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Practical Will Precedents Looseleaf + ProView eBook (Bundle) - up to 3 Users (Subscription)

Edited by: Withers LLP

ISBN13: 9780414095311
ISBN: 0414095316
Published: November 1987
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf + eBook
Price: £1208.84
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £1208.84
Overseas Renewal Price: £1226.84

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Arguably the most impressive collection of will documents ever assembled, Practical Will Precedents provides a wealth of material to draw upon for the preparation of wills for virtually any situation. It contains full will precedents, dozens of alternative and additional clauses, plus expert commentary.

There is a clear explanation of the various options, insertions and deletions available so that clients' wishes can be met, and advice is given throughout on the tax implications of adopting different strategies.

There is a full range of alternative and supplementary clauses which can be slotted into the full documents without having to make any consequential amendments elsewhere in the will.

Also included is an extensive selection of administrative powers covering many of the situations faced by executors and trustees; and testimonium and attestation clauses to suit the status and capacity of testators.

  • Complete will documents ready to use
  • Alternative and additional clauses to meet specific situations
  • Expert commentary and drafting guidelines
  • Tax planning guidance
  • Supplementary clauses for administrative powers
  • Includes an accumulation and maintenance trust for a single beneficiary and one creating absolute interests at 25
  • The full text of the precedents is available to purchase on disc. Practical Wills Precedents: Precedents on Disc (ISBN 9780421868601) is available in Word format to enable speedy drafting of documents without the need to rekey

Subscription Information: 1 updating release per year.