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Practical Trust Precedents Looseleaf + ProView eBook (Bundle) - up to 3 Users (Subscription)

Edited by: Withers LLP

ISBN13: 9780414095298
ISBN: 0414095294
Published: October 1986
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf + eBook
Price: Price on Application
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £1269.37
Overseas Renewal Price: £1287.37

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Practical Trust Precedents has all the material you need to create watertight trusts. It looks at the reasons for having a trust, the selection of an appropriate trust and the benefits of particular types of trust:

  • Provides you with expert guidance on established trusts, their use in practice and the ensuing consequences
  • Flags up tax implications throughout
  • Considers the route most likely to achieve optimum tax efficiency
  • Provides an entire library of complete documents, with alternative and additional clauses and ancillary documents
  • Includes documents for special situations, with core precedents for the major types of trust, including: accumulation and maintenance trusts, non-interest in possession (discretionary) trusts, interest in possession trusts, insurance trusts and public trusts
  • Includes a full analysis of the new inheritance tax regime as it applies to accumulation and maintenance settlements, non-interest in possession settlements, and interest in possession settlements
  • Reflects changes introduced by the Finance Act 2006 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004
  • Includes sample tax returns, calculations and specimen annotated trusts tailor-made for use in practice Subscription Information: 1-2 updating releases per year.

Equity and Trusts, eBooks, Looseleaf Work
Accumulation and maintenance settlements
Non-interest in possession settlements
Interest in possession settlements
Insurance trusts
Subsidiary documents
Public settlements
Foreign law
Administrative powers.