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The Law of Nuclear Energy 3rd ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414091214
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £412.00
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Whatever area you work in – development, finance or research – this essential text helps you understand all aspects of the law of nuclear energy.

Part 1 offers a comprehensive overview of nuclear law and nuclear power projects, providing a foundation upon which countries can establish or develop legislative frameworks and regulate nuclear power projects. Part 2 covers the development of nuclear power projects, providing, amongst other things, guidance on producing a tender document evaluating tenders, a review of the key provisions of a nuclear construction contract and an introduction to nuclear finance, and chapters covering the front and back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Part 3 discusses small modular nuclear reactors (“SMRs”) and future issues in international nuclear energy law.

The 3rd edition has been updated throughout with highlights including:

  • Chapter 1 – Updated in tandem with developments in the global climate change agenda and potential role of nuclear energy in meeting decarbonisation goals and commitments.
  • Chapters 4, 8 and 9 – New content on utilisation of bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements and formation of strategic partnerships for nuclear new build.
  • Chapter 5 – Expansion of content regarding preliminary considerations prior to drafting a national nuclear law.
  • Chapter 6 – Expansion of content on structuring the nuclear regulatory body and its early activities. New content on Canadian Vendor Design Review within pre-licensing activities.
  • Chapter 7 – Revisions to account for the entry into force of the 2004 Protocols to the Paris Convention and Brussels Supplementary Conventions on 1 January 2022. New content on considerations for governments with respect to becoming a party to an international nuclear liability regime and how to select the optimal convention/combination of conventions.
  • Chapter 11 – Developments in sustainable finance impacting nuclear energy projects.
  • Chapter 14 – Revisions to account for developments in the vendor market. New content on SMR licensing approaches.