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Morris: The Conflict of Laws 10th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414090828
Published: September 2021
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £36.95
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Morris on The Conflict of Laws, first published exactly 50 years ago and now in its tenth edition, is one of the leading titles on the conflict of laws, covering all branches of private international law. It is unparalleled in breadth of scope and wealth of detail. The work explains the fundamental principles of the subject and how the law works in practice.

The tenth edition has been fully revised to incorporate the many developments in the field. Features of the new edition include:

  • reflection throughout the book of the important consequences of the UK’s departure from the European Union, and of the many changes that came into effect at the end of the Implementation Period at the end of 2020
  • extensive revision of the material on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters as the Brussels I bis Regulation ceases to apply
  • fuller treatment of the three Hague Conventions given effect by the Private International Law (Implementation of Agreements) Act 2020: those on the Protection of Children, Choice of Court Agreements; and Maintenance Obligations
  • incorporation of many decisions on the interpretation of the rules in the Rome Regulations on choice of law in respect of contractual and non-contractual obligations which remain applicable in the UK
  • analysis of the far-reaching implications of the landmark UK Supreme Court decision in Vendanta allowing a claim brought by 1826 Zambian villagers to commence proceedings against an English domiciled mining corporation for breach of the duty of care in relation to its overseas operations
The authors seek to encourage critical thinking by getting readers to engage with issues that concern the working of the conflict of laws as a whole, its theoretical basis and methodology and how it can best serve our interconnected multicultural society.

Authoritative, comprehensive and clearly written, Morris on The Conflict of Laws will continue to be welcomed by law students both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and by practising lawyers.

Conflict of Laws, eBooks
1. Introduction to the Conflict of Laws
2. Theories and Methodologies
3. Personal Connecting Factors
4. The Exclusion of Foreign Law
5. Jurisdiction in the Conflict of Laws
6. Jurisdiction: The Brussels-Lugano Regime
7. Jurisdiction: English Rules
8. Sovereign and Diplomatic Immunity
9. The Conduct of International Litigation
10. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
11. Marriage and Other Family Relationships
12. Ending Marriages or Civil Partnerships
13. Finance and Property During and After Marriage
14. Children
15. Contractual Obligations
16. Torts and Other Non-Contractual Obligations
17. Property
18. Succession and the Administration of Estates
19. Trusts
20. Conflict Techniques