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English Legal System: The Fundamentals 5th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414089747
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £41.95
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English Legal System - The Fundamentals guides you through the central principles of this core subject, using accessible language and helpful features to provide you with a clear understanding of the English legal system.

  • Each chapter opens with a bulleted outline of the main concepts and ideas
  • Key extracts are boxed and case names are highlighted to make research easy
  • "Over to you…" boxes encourage critical thinking
  • Diagrams, charts and grids break down complex legal principles
  • "Hear from the Author" boxes provide links to additional resources online
  • Each chapter closes with a summary recapping the main points
  • "Key Cases" grids provide a summary of all the key cases discussed in the chapter, and their salient points
  • Further reading tips help you to broaden your perspective
  • End of chapter questions allow you to test your knowledge
  • Covers all topics likely to be studied at undergraduate level, on Diploma in Law (CPE) programmes and ILEX

English Legal System, eBooks
Introduction to the English Legal System
Judicial Reasoning
How to Find the Law and Use It
The Legal Profession
The Judiciary
The Civil Justice System
The Criminal Justice System
Answers to Self Test Questions