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Highway Law 6th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414088849
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £365.00
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Highway Law is a popular and well-established practitioner text on all aspects of the law governing highways. The new 6th edition supplies a detailed and practical commentary on the law relating to the creation, upkeep, development and ownership of highways, including the powers and duties of highway authorities, the rights of users of the highway and of those who own land around the highway.

  • Provides a complete reference to the law governing highways
  • Delivers clear, practical guidance, written in a straightforward and accessible style
  • Addresses matters of particular interest to practitioners, such as stopping up and diversion orders, traffic orders, street works, footpaths, bridleways and bridges
  • Deals with the impact of the Human rights Act in this area
  • Contains sections dedicated to Wales and London
  • Incorporates the latest legislative and case law developments
  • Details the powers and duties of the highway authorities, the rights of users and the rights and responsibilities of owners and land near highways
  • Ensures you understand the rights and responsibilities of the party you're advising
  • Refers to all recent legislation, relevant statutory instruments and case law, such as the Countryside and Rights of Way Act and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
  • Makes sure you are working from the most up-to-date source available, recognises the impact these changes have on area of highway law and affected parties
  • Contains sections dedicated to Wales and London so that you can take on a case confidently regardless of the areas it covers

Property Law, eBooks
Chapter 1: Highways and Highway Authorities
Chapter 2: Creation of Highways
Chapter 3: Rights of the Highway Authority and of Adjoining Landowners In, Under and Over the Highway
Chapter 4: The Maintenance of Highways
Chapter 5: Civil Liability of Highway Authorities
Chapter 6: Improvement of Highways
Chapter 7: Protection of the Highway and of Highway Users: (1) Public Nuisance and its Remedies
Chapter 8: Protection of the Highway and of Highway Users: (2) Statutory Powers Relating to Authorised and Unauthorised Interferences with the Highway
Chapter 9: Extinguishment and Diversion of Highways
Chapter 10: Streets and Private Streets
Chapter 11: Bridges
Chapter 12: Footpaths and Bridleways
Chapter 13: Access to Open Land and to Coastal Land
Chapter 14: Street Works
Chapter 15: Authorisation Procedures, Acquisition of Land, Compulsory Purchase Powers, Inquiries and Compensation
Chapter 16: Traffic Regulation and Management
Chapter 17: Miscellaneous Matters
1. Highways in London
2. Highways in Wales
3. Summary of the Main Powers available for Stopping Up or Diversion of Highways
4. Summary of the Main Dispute and Compensation Procedures under The Highways Act 1980