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Thomas' Sentencing Referencer 2021 (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414080430
Published: December 2020
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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The new Sentencing Act 2020 brings about the most significant change in sentencing legislation for over a decade and will apply to all offenders convicted on or after the commencement date. The 2021 edition has been completely revised to provide clear and concise guidance on the operation of the new Sentencing Code and the effects of the 'clean sweep'. Additionally, the applicability of existing case law to the new Sentencing Code provisions will depend on the changes made by the Sentencing Code - Thomas' Sentencing Referencer provides authoritative guidance on these points and more.

Thomas' Sentencing Referencer provides user-friendly tables and flow charts, including tables on guilty plea reductions by percentage and guilty plea reductions for minimum sentences. For many, it is quite simply the usual starting point from which they can confidently find a path through the maze of legislation.

Criminal Law, eBooks