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Lindley & Banks on Partnership 20th ed: 3rd Supplement

ISBN13: 9780414079083
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414072268
Published: October 2020
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Lindley & Banks on Partnership gives you comprehensive, authoritative and practical coverage of the law relating to both general and limited partnerships. This seminal text on partnerships, first published in 1860, reflects the current editor’s wide practical experience in this area of law and gives you detailed commentary on all aspects of the life of a partnership, from its nature and formation to the usual contents of a partnership agreement and common areas of dispute, the liabilities undertaken by partners both internally and externally and, finally, to dissolution, winding up and insolvency. It also explains how partnerships are taxed. The third cumulative supplement to the twentieth edition covers all legal changes since the last edition, with reference to UK and Commonwealth authorities where relevant.

Key changes

New to the latest supplement:

  • Case law updates to all relevant areas including:
    • Deacon v Yaseen [2020] EWHC 465 (Ch), regarding the nature and ownership of partnership assets and the meaning of goodwill in an NHS doctors’ partnership;
    • The appeal to the Australian High Court in Commissioners of State Revenue v Rojoda Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 224, considering the nature of a partnership share;
    • Joseph v Deloitte NSE LLP [2020] EWHC 3354 (QB), regarding the need for strict compliance with the terms of a partnership agreement;
    • Horsford v Horsford [2020] EWHC 584 (Ch), exploring the scope for a proprietary estoppel argument in a partnership context;
    • Boyle v Burke [2019] EWHC 3364 (Ch), considering when a partnership can be treated as dissolved in the context of efforts to defeat a partner’s pension rights; o Razaq v Baig [2019] EWHC 3490 (Ch) and Kingsley v Kingsley [2020] EWCA Civ 297, considering winding up issues.
  • Includes a fully updated section on the regulation of solicitor partnerships
  • Highlights other statutory and tax developments