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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Commercial Law in Scotland 7th ed isbn 9780414120501

Commercial Law in Scotland 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780414078932
New Edition ISBN: 9780414120501
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414065642
Published: September 2020
Publisher: W. Green
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Commercial Law in Scotland, a highly regarded resource now in its 6th Edition, is designed to fit perfectly with the way which commercial and business law is taught in Scottish universities and is the primary student text on the subject. The expert author team, drawing from extensive academic and practical experience, continues to hone the text in line with student needs and developments in the field.

Scots Law
1. Sale and Supply of Goods
2. E-commerce
3. Consumer Credit
4. Agency
5. Partnership
6. Insurance
7. Real Rights in Security
8. Cautionary Obligations
9. Diligence
10. Personal Insolvency
11. Commercial Dispute Resolution