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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law of Evidence 8th ed isbn 9780414119109

The Law of Evidence 7th ed

ISBN13: 9780414075597
New Edition ISBN: 9780414119109
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414056138
Published: May 2020
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Dennis' The Law of Evidence provides thorough analysis of the law of evidence, while placing the subject within its theoretical context. The work goes beyond other textbooks to explain the intricacies of the law of evidence while still remaining easy to understand. The information is presented in a logical structure following on from the introduction of the basic concepts through to the exclusionary rules of the law of evidence.

Dennis offers an integrated approach to evidence which includes essential doctrinal analysis. It takes account of evidence theory, psychological research on information processing and retrieval, socio-legal work on police investigations, and jury research projects.

  • Offers comprehensive doctrinal analysis of all the major topics in evidence
  • Is written in a clear and accessible style
  • Contains extensive references to further reading
  • Presents an integrated approach which takes account of evidence theory, human rights jurisprudence, psychological research on human observation and memory, socio-legal work on police investigations, and jury research projects
The Law of Evidence is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students and those studying evidence at postgraduate level; and those on vocational courses such as the LPC and BPTC will find it an invaluable source of reference.

Part I: Understanding Evidence: The Foundations of the Law
1. An Introduction to the Law
2. The Aims of the Law of Evidence
3. Relevance and Admissibility
4. Facts and Factfinding
Part II: Obtaining Evidence: Pre-trial Procedures and the Regulation of Access
5. The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and the Right to Silence
6. Confessions
7. Identification Evidence
8. Evidence Obtained by Illegal or Unfair Means
9. Disclosure and Immunity
10. Legal Professional Privilege
Part III: Adducing Evidence: Trial Procedures and the Principles of Proof
11. Burden and Standard of Proof
12. Forms of Proof and Alternatives to Proof
13. Witnesses
14. Examination of Witnesses
15. Vulnerable and Suspect Witnesses
Part IV: Using Evidence: the Scope and Limits of Exclusionary Rules
16. Hearsay at Common Law and in Civil Proceedings
17. The Modern Law of Hearsay in Criminal Cases
18. Character and Credibility: An Overview
19. Evidence of Bad Character in Criminal Cases
20. Opinion and Expert Evidence