CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts 9th ed (eBook)
ISBN13: 9780414073944
Published: December 2019
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook
Price: Out of print
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The CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts, 9th edition, brings together the expertise of over 30 highly respected professionals including patent attorneys, solicitors and members of the Bar, all individually selected for their expert knowledge.
The 9th edition is an essential tool for any practitioner advising on patents. This must-have guide gives you all the tools you need to protect the rights of your clients.
- Offers coverage of legislative and jurisprudence developments to end of July 2019
- Features the Patents Act 1977 and relevant provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 together with relevant EU treaties and directives
- Includes the full section-by-section text of the Patents Act 1977 alongside detailed commentary and analysis of the practical working of each section
- Includes the UK Patents Rules and Civil Procedure Rules and Practice Directions relevant to each section
- Refers to over 3,000 decided cases
- Features the decisions relevant to each section of the UK IP Office and courts and of the EPO Appeal Boards
- Includes selected decisions of the US courts
- Features coverage of developments in the fields of software, biotechnology and supplementary protection certificates for pharmaceuticals.
New to this edition includes coverage on:
- G 1/19 G 1/19 Patentability of computer implemented simulation (reference to the Enlarged Appeal Board)
- G 3/19 Plants produced by essentially biological processes (reference to the Enlarged Appeal Board)
- Actavis v ICOS decision (Supreme Court, 2019)
- Warner-Lambert v Generics (Supreme Court, 2018)
- Actavis v Eli Lilly (Supreme Court, 2017)
- AP Racing v Alcon (Court of Appeal, 2018)
- Garmin (Europe) v Koninklijke Philips (Patents Court, 2019)
- Eli Lilly v Genenetech (Patents Court, 2019)
- Teva v Gilead (Patents Court, 2018)
Legislation & developments:
Detailed analysis of the latest cases applying the doctrine of equivalents, including:
- Regen Lab v Estar Medical (Patents Court, 2019)
- Mishan v Hozelock (Patents Court, 2019)
- Technetix v Teleste (Patents Court, 2019)
Developments concerning SPCs, including
- Patents (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
- New EU SPC regulation
- CJEU 121/17 Teva UK
- CJEU 527/17 Boston Scientific
Patent eligibility in the US insofar as decisions affect European applicants