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International Law 9th ed

ISBN13: 9780414070790
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414055513
Published: August 2020
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £28.95

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International Law continues to provide a user friendly text. It sets out clearly and concisely basic principles and provides analysis of international procedures. In this new edition the authors have introduced certain structural changes in the presentation of material. This is designed to reflect the changes in the subject matter of contemporary international law and current teaching methodologies. Developments in the law of armed conflict and international criminal law are considered in a new chapter as is international environmental law. Chapters 1–9 set out what are recognised as the “core” international law rules while the remaining chapters focus on substantive secondary norms.

International Law continues to be a key text, for both undergraduate and postgraduate students studying international law as a component of a law degree. The textbook is also a useful tool for those studying politics, international relations and international human rights, and for those already practising law when encountering international legal questions as well as those with a general interest in international current affairs.

Public International Law
International Law and Municipal Law
International Personality
State Responsibility
The Law of Treaties
Arbitration and Judicial Settlement
The Use of Force
International Human Rights
The Law of Armed Conflict and International Criminal Law
The Law of the Sea
International Environmental Law