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Gas and LNG Sales and Transportation Agreements: Principles and Practice 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780414061897
New Edition ISBN: 9780414075474
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414034198
Published: June 2017
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback & CD-ROM
Price: Out of print

A practical and comprehensive guide to the law and practice of structuring projects for the sale and transportation of gas and LNG, based on the author's own vast experience.

The discussion is augmented by three precedent agreements which demonstrate the practical mechanics of putting the deal together, also provided on CD for electronic access.

  • Presents a detailed, hands-on guide to the drafting, negotiation and interpretation of natural gas and LNG trading, shipping and transportation contracts
  • Highlights the legal and commercial issues involved at each stage and advises how they should be handled in practice
  • Offers clause-by-clause commentary on the typical provisions within gas and LNG, sales, shipping and transportation agreements
  • Pinpoints the key issues and suggests solutions to problems that can arise
  • Discusses the nature of gas and LNG and the contracting process
  • Explains in detail the common components of contracts, including quality and pressure, liabilities and limitations, force majeure and dispute resolution
  • Provides discussion on the commercialisation of natural gas in light of concerns about climate change, cleaner energy sources and the security of energy supplies
  • Examines competition law issues relevant to gas and LNG projects
  • Includes expertly drafted precedent agreements, also on a CD-ROM for rapid drafting
  • Covers price reviews and reopeners
  • Written from the perspective of English law but in the light of international experience and practice

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Section 1
Part A – general principles applicable to gas and LNG sales and transportation projects
1. The nature of gas and LNG
2. Project structuring
3. The contracting process
4. Regulatory issues
5. Contract forms
6. The parties
Part B - general commercial principles
7. Term
8. Delivery point, delivery
9. Quantities, rates, reserves
10. Price
11. Price review
12. Collateral support
13. Take or pay, take and pay
14. Make up, carry forward
15. Seller’s delivery failure
16. Quality specification
17. Off-specification
18. Measurement
19. Facilities
20. Maintenance
Part C – gas pipeline transportation provisions
21. Pipeline structures and principles
22. Commingling, allocation and attribution
23. Pipeline project terms
24. Quantities and capacities
25. Tariff
26. Nominations
27. Undertake, overtake
Part D – LNG shipping transportation provisions
28. Shipping structures and principles
29. Charterparties
30. Scheduling
31. Charterparty and SPA interfaces
Part E – general administrative provisions
32. Invoicing, payment
33. Force majeure
34. Liability, limitation
35. Transfers
36. Termination
37. Dispute resolution
38. Other provisions

Section 2
Appendix A – proforma sales/transportation memorandum of understanding
Appendix B – proforma gas/LNG sales contract terms
Appendix C – proforma gas/LNG transportation